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Labeling Sustainability provides the maximum level of service for your investment by bringing end-to-end solutions to your value chain.

How we do things

We offer solutions to transform an organization's sustainability targets through systematic science-based processes. These services bring repeatable results for large corporate organizations and mid-size manufacturers alike. Our process approach means that we teach as much as we do, creating a partnership environment that empowers employees to make future decisions to drive organizational results.

Preserving the environment
is what drives us

Labeling Sustainability is a full-service sustainability consulting firm offering transparency document preparation (EPDs, HPDs, Carbon Footprint Studies), value chain training and consulting for the most complex supply chains, and ESG target creation and reporting metric systems. Our passion-driven mission focuses on teaching organizations how to be more sustainable while increasing market share and profits. We promise to never waste your time or money on initiatives that sound great but don't increase your license to operate with critical stakeholders. Instead, our practical approach keeps an organization's business objectives center stage while building its strategic objectives to include sustainability. 

Labeling Sustainability administers Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) as a program operator under the International Standards Organization (ISO) 14025, Environmental Labels and Declarations – Environmental Declarations Type III – Principles and Procedures and for Construction Products, ISO 21930, Building Construction Sustainability – Environmental Declaration of Construction Products, and EN 15804+A2 – Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations – Core rules for the product category of construction products (For European products only).

Our distinctiveness
made us a perfect fit

At Labeling Sustainability, we believe you will gain immense value in performing an EPD(s) for your product(s).

The value is not only in the document created but in the process. In gathering all the data necessary, you will learn more about your product, processes, and suppliers than you ever thought possible. Unfortunately, the data-gathering process is also resource-intensive. For that reason, we work hard to over deliver on your expectations. We can't make your suppliers answer their emails faster, but we can make our part faster, more cost-effective, and in the end, we promise to train your personnel on how to sell using this document or adjust to improve your product's environmental impacts.


Labeling Sustainability has developed a proprietary EPD tool that allows us to work faster and smarter, not harder, to get your EPD developed. For example, some companies take 6-12 months to deliver 1 EPD; Labeling Sustainability has an average speed of delivery of about six weeks to 2 months per EPD (or less), including data gathering. In the EPD work- that is lighting fast. Imagine winning large projects because you have completed all your documentation in three months- that is fast!

No Fees

Your investment in an EPD is your commitment to making a difference in your product or marketplace. Paying a yearly fee just for your EPD to sit on a website to be considered "registered" doesn't make sense to us. Instead, if we perform your EPD services, your EPD is registered by Labeling Sustainability for a $0 additional investment. That's it. There is no yearly fee or upfront registration cost, just a common-sense approach to helping you be more sustainable one product EPD at a time.


At the end of the EPD project, we will present the EPD findings and results to your entire team or whomever you choose. Help your salespeople position the strengths of your product; invite them. Give your operations team your vision for the future; invite them. Get more "buy-in" from the top management; definitely invite them. This one-hour presentation is a tremendous company-wide conversation starter and is included in our services. We love EPDs, and you will too. Start creating your competitive advantage. 

Building Products are our specialty

Labeling Sustainability develops and publishes Type III environmental declarations (EPDs) exclusively for construction and civil products as a program operator. This includes permanent and non-permanent products for the interior and exterior of buildings, construction infrastructure products, and interior furniture or products for the built environment. At Labeling Sustainability, we understand these products from the perspective of a specifier, an engineer, manufacturer sales representative, and a LEED green building project auditor.

Why Do
EPDs matter?

EPDs provide the basis for a standardized evaluation of products and services' environmental performance. EPDs are a snapshot in time but can drive continuous environmental improvement of products and services and uniformly communicate relevant environmental information along a product's supply chain. EPDs are gaining in importance for specifiers and project stakeholders. EPDs are now required for public projects in California, and that trend is spreading to other states and large municipalities like New York and Chicago.

EPDs show buyers that the manufacturer is invested in their product's impacts now and in the future. More and more buyers are interested in companies that know their environmental footprint and are working to limit their negative impacts. A manufacturer's future ability to gain public projects and increase their market share depends on their interest in the environment. Thus EPDs are a good start on that journey.

published EPDs

Category Sections
Buy Clean California Act, AB262

Labeling Sustainability specializes in helping manufacturers complete the required transparency documentation to comply with this law. The “Buy Clean California” Act will require Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for materials being specified for state-building projects. This means that suppliers’ emissions performance will be considered when an agency contracts to buy steel, flat glass, and mineral wool insulation for publicly financed projects.

As of July 1, 2022, the awarding project authorities will determine GWP limit compliance of eligible materials using Environmental Products Declarations (EPDs). The limits set by the law were determined using industry-standard EPDs. The following limits shall be used for applicable projects per the California Procurement Division.

These limits cover projects for the following issuing authorities: Department of Transportation, Department of  Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Water Resources, University of California, California State University, Military Department, and the DGS/Real Estate Services Division.

This is not an exclusive list of products because some municipalities and project owners may add additional categories to this list; the most common addition is cement and concrete.

Our initiatives focus
on empowering businesses

Sustainability consulting

The center for corporate performance & sustainability gives step-by-step guidance on how to create a success-driven trilogy for your organization: sustainability, uncertainty, and organizational performance.

We primarily focused on the transformation of "stand-alone" sustainability programs into structured programs that use the international "high-level structure" to integrate systems of management and create a peak performance sustainability program that addresses sustainable development, social responsibility, pollution prevention, resource productivity, and uncertainty risk management in all types of organizations across the globe. 

Value chain training programs

As supply chains work to recover from shortages, shutdowns, demand changes, and post-pandemic business, it's never been more critical to provide employees with comprehensive training to refine their skills as they navigate the new normal. 

Through practical training solutions, supply chain managers can ensure their employees are efficient while on the job and meet customers' evolving expectations. Labeling Sustainability is proud to be an authorized VCARE Academy, Canada partner to offer the world’s first 100 percent practical education in supply chain and value chain management, both in person and on-demand.


At Labeling Sustainability, we believe in the power of collaboration and building strong relationships with our clients.


We value the opportunity to work with each and every one of them, and it is their trust and partnership that drives us forward; At the end of the projects our clients are now our friends.  They inspire us to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling us to deliver exceptional results. We are grateful for their continued support as they come back to us again and again.

Below are some of the incredible organizations we have had the privilege to work with.

Panel Rey
US Rubber
Prihoda North America
Crossfield Products
MgO North America
Rollease Acmeda
Eco Safety Products
Solomon Colors
Grupo Acerero
Omnis Panels

with our team

Customer satisfaction
is our top focus

We'd love to hear from you. Let us know your requirements, and we will do our best to meet them.

Create and

Comply with

Implementation of

Training and development

+1(310) 210-5247

​Environmental Storytelling That Sells

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Sustainability is our passion

Making sustainability inclusive

Labeling Sustainability is a full-service sustainability consulting firm offering transparency document preparation (EPDs, HPDs, Carbon Footprint Studies), value chain training and consulting for the most complex supply chains,

Publish more with no fees

Labeling Sustainability is proud to announce its participation in the EPD process as a program operator under ISO 14025:2006 to conduct a Type III environmental declaration program.

Create success

The center for corporate performance & sustainability gives step-by-step guidance on how to create a success-driven trilogy for your organization: sustainability, uncertainty, and organizational performance.

Let's Collaborate..
Contact us today and one of our representatives will get back to you within 48 business hours.

+1(310) 210-5247

Copyright © 2022, Labeling Sustainability Inc. -  All Rights Reserved 

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